Safety Tips

Children Saftey Tips

The Trenton Police Department continues to provide information and officers working with our citizens and children on personal safety, we believe that the best people to teach our young children about proper safety skills and personal safety are you, their parents.  Parents are without a doubt in the best position to provide this instruction along with reinforcement tips on remaining safe in the community.  Parents know their children and their habits better than anyone; therefore, parents are in the best position to provide and emphasize this instruction.

Personal Saftey Tips

  1. Teach your children the importance of safety.
  2. Always know where your children are.
  3. Children should be familiar with their play areas and knowledge of danger indicators such as water, electricity, heights, etc…
  4. Teach your children to never touch a firearm and to tell an adult if one is found.
  5. Teach children the Buddy System and the concept of safety in numbers.
  6. Teach children at the earliest possible age their full name, address, telephone number, and when and how to dial 911.
  7. Do not leave small children unattended, especially in a parked automobile.
  8. Teach your children Stranger Danger and what to do if approached by a stranger.
  9. Teach your children to never approach a strange car.
  10. Remind your children to always let you know where they are.
  11. When walking to school, know your child’s route and use main roads and highly traveled routes rather than secluded shortcuts.
  12. Maintain a fingerprint record of your child.

Additional information on protecting children from abduction and exploitation can be obtained on the Internet at the following links:

Home Saftey Tips

How much security is necessary in the home may depend on where a person lives. Rural people sometimes say that locks are only good for keeping friends out. People who live in high-crime areas do not subscribe to this adage. The suggestions for home security that follow are for women and older people to use according to their needs.

  • Good locks will keep out the ordinary prowler, if not the accomplished housebreaker.
  • When you move in a new apartment, replace the locks so those previous tenants will not have keys to your dwelling.
  • Use your locks. Many women go next door for coffee and leave an unlocked house. It may be worth the little extra trouble to lock up and take a key even if one is going to be gone only a short time.
  • Do not open the door until you know who is there. If there is no view of the door from a window, install a viewer in the door and always use it. Some people feel it advisable to install an intercom system as well.
  • Do not allow strangers, men or women, in to use the phone for any reason. Make them wait outside a locked door while you telephone for them.
  • Don not let anyone walk into the house on the pretext of helping with packages or anything else.
  • Insist that service and deliverymen identify themselves. A commercial truck in the driveway does not mean a bona fide deliveryman is at the door.
  • Keep a wedge under the door so it cannot be forced. Some persons have door chains for this purpose, but unless they are very strong and firmly installed, they may not hold against a firm shove.
  • Be aware of women callers as well as men. Women sometimes work in collaboration with men for robbery or even assault.
  • If you live alone put only your last name on the mailbox. Even initials can signal a one-woman resident. Leave your first name off your phone listing also.
  • Keep draperies drawn at night. A woman seen walking about her house seemingly alone may attract unwanted attention.
  • Have lights on in more than one room to give the appearance that several persons are home.
  • Be careful talking to strangers who telephone. Do not let them know if you are alone.
  • Do not allow little children to answer the door. They are quite likely to let anyone in.
  • Keep your house and grounds well lit. Entryways and driveways should have lights on at night.
  • Do not advertise the presence of expensive jewelry, antiques or expensive art objects in your house.
  • A dog (or merely a sign “Beware of Dog”) may help keep prowlers away.
  • Observe the house as you approach. Go to a neighbor and phone the police if there is strange vehicle in your driveway or if you sense something is wrong.
  • Have your house key ready before leaving your car.
  • Always plan to return to a well-lit house. Timers can be used to turn lights on at dusk if you do not want to leave lights burning all day.
  • Do not tell “wrong number callers your name and phone number.
  • Hang up on unpleasant, threatening or obscene phone calls. Report them to the police if such calls persist.
  • Do not answer the phone with a name or number.
  • Instruct children and babysitters in proper phone use. Teach them not to disclose any information about the family to unknown callers.
  • Keep emergency numbers taped to the phone.
  • Be aware of hazardous areas: basement laundries, storage rooms, and ill-lit alcoves.
  • Be careful in elevators. If you do not like the look of someone getting on, step off right away. Stand near the button panel. If you are approached, push the emergency button for all floors.



309 S College St # C,
Trenton, TN 38382


(731) 855-1413

