Tony Burriss

City Mayor

Message from the Mayor


I am writing my message a little early this month because December will get very busy and things will get hopping at City Hall and I have a few things I want to share with you before the end of the year. Yes, I said end of the year. Where did it go? I hope your year has been prosperous for you and yours. Let’s also make our businesses locally prosper by buying as much at home as we can during this season.


First, I want to invite everyone of you to the City Stew on December 13th at the Trenton Fire Department. We will be serving from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. that day. And the great news is that the lunch is free! Who said there is no free lunch? I guess if you analyzed it a little more you could probably find a way nothing is totally free but there will be no charge for the stew. Come eat with us. At 1:00 the City Council meets so I guess you could say it is dinner and a show.


Have you been downtown since this season began? If you haven’t, you are missing something. The downtown looks like a Hallmark Christmas movie (not that I have seen one) and it will definitely put you in the Christmas spirit. The kids are going to love the inflatables trail. My hat is off to the Trenton Downtown Committee, Lori Michel and all the others who have put their time and money into making Trenton beautiful during this holiday season. And thanks to all who participated in the annual Christmas Parade. Christmastime has come to Trenton, Tennessee.


I am in need of some help. Many of us have become a little slack about getting our trash cans off the street after pick-up. The problem seems to be more prevalent on some streets versus others. The ordinance reads that trash receptacles should be put out either the night before or the day of pick-up and brought back in the day of pick-up. They are not meant to be kept on the street or just off the street all week. We would hope you are not using your trash can as a yard decoration. It will become necessary to site a few to court if we have to send multiple letters to a residence to remind folks to pull their can in. Also, we have a clause that if you are disabled or can’t bring your can to the street, Republic will come get your can. We have many people taking advantage of this. If you are able to pull your can to the street, do so and keep us from having to resort to something that will make an inconvenience to those who can’t. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


I, for one, get tired of seeing advertising signs stuck all over our wonderful town. People come in from all over and stick these signs up on public right-of-way and leave them forever. We have an ordinance that prohibits these signs unless they have been approved by City Hall and post a $50.00 deposit in order to put them out. We will start enforcing this ordinance starting January 1st, 2024. Now, if they are your advertising signs on your property, no harm, no foul but if it’s some roofer from Trinidad just out fishing for customers, we will be taking up those signs and bringing them to City Hall. I know you don’t want these signs cluttering up your City and neither do I. This will also be in effect for all the political signs going up next year.


As of January 15th of next month, I will have finished my first year as Mayor. Sorry, but you have 3 more years of me. I have accomplished a few things but I have a long way to go to do all I intend to. Shady Acres Park renovation is still on top of my list and we are making slow headway. Finding the money to do it is now the major challenge. We know what we need to do, now we have to find ways to pay for it. Housing is also a major priority and we have come a long way on it. 2024 will see new construction in several parts of Trenton. Those are the big things but I understand that filling potholes, containing stray dogs, making our city beautiful, welcoming retail opportunities and looking to put high paying jobs in Trenton are just as important. Your Mayor and City Council are dedicated to making this city the best it can be with the resources we have.


And so it is Christmas. I like the lights and tinsel and Santa Claus in the park but I hope we all understand what Christmas really is. It is a birthday. The most important birthday since the beginning of time. I hope that each of us will take a little time to reflect on that. If you don’t believe, let me tell you, Jesus is real. He is the Son of God and He is the reason for our celebration of the season. From my family to your family, I wish you the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years. And let’s go all the way and wish for a white Christmas. Till I write again in January, remember Trenton isn’t perfect but it’s ours. God Bless you and God Bless Trenton.





City Recorder & Book Keeper
Leigh Ann Reynolds
Phone: (731) 855-2013 Email: [email protected]
City Hall
Chris Hopper
Phone: (731) 855-2013 Email: [email protected]
City Hall
Marie Cox
Phone: (731) 855-2013 Email: [email protected]



Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM


309 South College Street
Trenton, TN 38382

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