Lea House
1831 Antebellum home located in historic, downtown Trenton,TN & crafted of the finest materials available. Dr. Lea of London, England built his home also known as “Confederate View” which was so named because folks watched the Battle of Trenton, TN from the balcony during the Civil War.
Dr. Lea began his practice of medicine in Nashville and located in Eaton before coming to Trenton to practice medicine. The original structure of the home was of the type of architecture known as antebellum that many of Trenton’s early homes had with two narrow front porches upstairs and downstairs with a great deal of gingerbread work between the many pillars that supported them. Later, Mr. Lewis Oppenheimer, son of Trenton’s first Mayor Mr. Meyer Oppenheimer sold the home to Mr. W.E. Birmingham Sr. Mr. Birmingham was responsible for the remodeling which led to the present appearance of the home.

Rosedale Manor
Located at 405 S. College Street, the Rosedale Manor was built in 1868 by Reverend Matthew Martin Marshall of Fredericksburg, Va. He moved to Trenton with his wife and six Daughters to accept the position of minister at the First Presbyterian Church for an annual salary of $600. Marshall served for only eight years before his death in 1874 at the age of 70. Rosedale remained in the family for five generations. Many beautiful memories were made here but some very unhappy days lay ahead for this Trenton family. Marshall’s granddaughter, Eliza McEwen, wed attorney Quinton Rankin, Rosedale. Visitors here discover the fascinating story of how legal partners, land acquisition, Reelfoot Lake, and the Night Riders all added and made their home here up to MURDER. Rosedale underwent a year-long remodeling by Widow Rankin in the early 1900s to create the grand appearance you see today. Rosedale Manor became Gibson County’s first licensed Bed & Breakfast in 2001.

Pecan Place
Located at 503 College Street, the house known as “Pecan Place” is actually two houses attached to each other. The original house was built in 1846 by Henry Lucas Elder. A house-sized addition which faced College Street was built in 1893 by Henry’s son, Horace McClung Elder. The addition is a custom design by Knoxville architect, George F. Barber and is a Queen Anne style Victorian with Eastlake details. Because of the pecan trees abundant on the property, Horace named the new house “Pecan Place.” Interior details original to the house include beautiful hardwood floors and parquet inlay of Tennessee native hardwoods, carved mantles, solid brass hardware, oak trim and pocket doors along with several stained glass windows. Samples of the original pre-1893 wallpaper and pre-Civil War construction methods can be seen in the dining room which is currently undergoing repairs.

Century House
Century House is a white two-story turn-of-the-century house built circa 1912 by Mr. W.H. Dodd, who was a prominent businessman in Trenton. Mr. Dodd owned a large lumber company near the square downtown. The 3200 square foot house sits on a large two acre lot. The architectural style is described as Southern country. The graceful home is currently owned by Bob and Susie Ferguson who inherited the home from her parents Attorney General William Kinton and wife Billie. The Ferguson’s recently refurbished it with a Copper cupola over the front bay window, new double hung windows, and insulation. All the floors are original hardwood.

Villa Freed
“Villa Freed” is the name given to Dr. Fredrick Freed’s boyhood home in the early 1900s. The land on which the Freed home was built was the site of the first school for girls in Gibson County. It was incorporated in 1852 as a private school and called the Odd Fellow Female Collegiate Institute. During the Civil War, the school was seized by Federal troops and used as a hospital and campground. Before the troops left, they burned all of the buildings. After the war, Mr. Julius Freed bought the land and built this house for his family. Dr. Freed was one of the 11 children raised in this home. Two of his sisters, Helen Rose and Katherine, ran the home while 4 brothers ran the family dry goods store known locally as J. Freed and Sons. Although this home was willed to the City of Trenton as a memorial to Julius and Henrietta Freed, it now is the office of attorney Jeff Mueller.