Mock Crash Scene
Each year The Trenton Police Department and The Trenton Special School District’s Coordinated School Health hosts a Mock Car Crash Scene at Peabody High School that provides a educational presentation about the dangers of drunk driving.
We continues to be concerned about the young adults of Trenton and realize they are faced with very difficult decisions and receive pressure from peers each and every day. We realize that underage drinking is an issue that affects young adults all across the United States.
We have felt the devastating affects of young adults who have made the decision to drink and drive. This is why we are committed to educating our youth about the dangers of drinking and driving. We want them to experience first hand what can happen in the event someone makes that deadly decision.
Students get to witness a mock crash and experience first hand, as the police, ambulance, fire and rescue personnel arrive on the scene. They watch as the emergency personnel perform their duties. They see the rescue squad personnel use their extrication equipment to free participating students who have been trapped in cars.
Students continue to watch as emergency workers remove from the wreckage a participating student that is deceased. Emergency workers place the student in a body bag. Emergency workers place the deceased persons in front of the watching students.
Students watch as police start talking to the drunk driver, a participating student. The student is subjected to field sobriety testing. The student is placed under arrested, handcuffed and put in the back seat of a patrol car.
Students watch as the parents of one of those involved in the accident shows up at the scene. The students witness first hand how devastating this is to the parents and friends of a severely injured or deceased person.
Rescue workers are able to free another individual from the wreckage, a participating student, who is severely injured. Wings a medical helicopter arrives on the scene and lands to transport the individual to the hospital. Paramedics work with the severely injured student who is placed on a stretcher, put in the helicopter and is lifted off.
Students are brought back into the school and hear from a guest speaker, who has been personally affected by losing a loved one as the result of a drunk driver.
309 S College St # C,
Trenton, TN 38382
(731) 855-1413